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Digital Direct Response

Here at RTRN we know that even the smallest change can make a big difference.

This philosophy guided our approach when Ochsner Health System enlisted our expertise to enhance their physician engagement and foster long-term relationships within their physician market.

Ochsner faced the complex task of engaging two distinct target audiences:

Tech-Savvy Early Career Physicians: These individuals grew up with technology and are comfortable using digital tools but are relatively new to their careers.

Traditional Communication Advocates: These seasoned professionals prefer conventional communication methods and are often key decision-makers in their fields.

Ochsner needed a marketing campaign that could effectively address the unique preferences and needs of both groups.

To tackle this challenge, we conducted thorough research and developed detailed journey maps to understand the behaviors, preferences, and pain points of each audience segment. Leveraging insights from internal stakeholders and best practices from various industries, we crafted a strategic marketing plan that was both innovative and inclusive.

We supported the campaign with clean, simple, and creative assets that resonated with both target audiences. Our messaging was impactful, ensuring it was relevant and engaging for both tech-savvy and traditional physicians.

Our respectful and thoughtful approach to this relatively simple campaign yielded impressive results. In 2023, Ochsner experienced a fivefold increase in their overall click-through rate (CTR) and saw up to a 12.5% increase in CTR across specific ad sets. These metrics underscore the effectiveness of our tailored strategy and the importance of understanding and addressing the unique needs of diverse audience segments.