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Communicating Through the Fear of Change


We’ve all seen it happen. You have a compelling vision for where you want to take the organization, but once you start announcing the changes it will take to get there, you encounter doubtful, anxious, and possibly even fearful attitudes from your people.

Why do they focus on such a different reality from the one you’re trying to create?

Because WIIFM. “What’s In It For Me?” is most people’s first mental destination whenever changes are announced. But with a thoughtful communication strategy built on insights from all levels of your organization, you can help your people move more quickly through apprehensive self-focus to excited ownership of the future state.

Everyone’s WIIFM is different. Change may mean more work piled on an already full load, or a new reporting structure, new goals and incentive plans, fewer resources in one area to bolster another. You want to consider the perspectives of your different stakeholder groups at every level of the organization – from the frontline on up. Understanding these key groups and what motivates them forms the foundation of a strong communication strategy.

Use the process of gathering these insights to build momentum behind the scenes for the compelling story of where you’re going together. And as you roll out your vision, show your people why change is necessary and provide transparency around what they can expect along the way. Back it all up with resources to support them and tools to help them adapt.

Of course, all of this flows more smoothly if you have built trust with your employees. And trust depends on consistent, open, and authentic communication from you as a leader. But that’s a topic for another post …

At RTRN, we excel in helping companies walk swiftly through change and create bold, effective communication strategies that engage and excite your workforce in the process. From defining and interviewing your stakeholders, to gathering communications champions, to planning when, how, and in what order to launch your announcement, we work right by your side to ensure success.

We’ll dive deeper into the components of an effective communications strategy, but for now, let’s get started on your organization’s transformation.

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